A man from Ulverston has started his training for a 177-mile hike, while wild camping, to raise money for research into Alzheimer's. 

63-year-old Roy Harkins is an ex tradesman and HGV driver and will be taking on the challenge with his Jack Russell dog Morse. 

Roy is also a carer for his friend aged 88.

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Alongside Morse, Roy aims to complete the hike at Offas-Dyke national trail path, near the Welsh border, over a two week-period beginning on September 21 and finishing around October 1.

The route passes through no less than eight different counties and crosses the border between England and Wales over 20 times.

They are no stranger to outdoor challenges like this however. Last year the pair took on the Coast to Coast walk to raise money for Alzheimer's Society and raised almost £700.

(Image: Roy Harkins) For this challenge, a tally of sponsorship money will be updated each day and will go to straight to the Alzheimer’s Society with no middle man. 

Roy said: "I've picked Alzheimer’s as it's such a horrible disease and now my dad is very ill in hospital in Bristol with it.

"It can affect anyone however, so it's for my dad and for many other people - as well as myself."

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Roy began his gruelling training regime on August 15 with the aim of losing five kilos in just over a month.

He added: "I've started the Atkins Diet which means no carbs, no sugar, no chocolate for a month - it's hell just thinking about it.

"The diet is alongside five and seven mile alternating walks to toughen up a little.

(Image: Roy Harkins) "For the challenge, I'm going to be packing about 40/45 pounds is going to hurt!

"My wee Jack Russell will be with me in our cramped one man tent.

"We filter all our water and try to avoid ticks midges and mosquitoes.

"I really hope it’s not torrential - last year in the Coast to Coast walk I came across a bridge that was underwater"

"Giving up isn't an option, so whatever happens, we will carry on, just one man and a dog."

To find out more about Roy's and Morse's Walk, visit the Facebook event.