DELIGHTED students at Barrow's Sixth Form College are celebrating A-Levels success.

With many having already confirmed university places, students were all smiles as they took in their grades.

And there was success at Furness College's Channelside campus, where students were pleased to receive their T-Level grades.

Among the sixth-formers jumping for joy was former Furness Academy student Billy Bell, who achieved A*s in Maths and Physics, an A in Further Maths and a B in Chemistry.

Billy said he was pleased to have achieved the results needed to begin a higher apprenticeship in Engineering in September. 

He said: “I’d heard positives about The Sixth Form and that they got good results.

"I chose subjects that I liked and that I am good at. It’s a friendly community and easy to find help from staff and other students. If you put the effort in and ask for help you will get the results.”

Another former Furness Academy student Emily Smith was overwhelmed with her results.

“This means the world, I feel really good, pretty legendary actually," she said.

"I didn’t feel like last year went too well, but I was determined this year so that I could get into Lancaster University and I’ve got in.”

Emily achieved B in Media, B in Film and a Distinction in Performing Arts and has secured a place at Lancaster University.

She said she was 'really excited' about starting university, adding: "I want to go into film or theatre with my own production company, or maybe marketing.”

Libby KnightLibby Knight (Image: Furness College)

Libby Knight achieved A* in Art, a Distinction* in Business and a C in Psychology.

She said: “I am really happy with these results. I was confident with Business but surprised at the other results.”

Libby is considering her next steps but feels that she now has lots of options.

“I have loved it at Sixth Form," she added.

"The last few months have been a lot of work but I have a good friendship group that are all here today too.

“Now I know my results I feel like I am ready to apply for jobs, maybe an apprenticeship.”

Thomas Renton is looking forward to starting a higher apprenticeship in Finance.

“I am really happy with my results. I put a lot of effort in and tried my best," he said.

“I enjoyed the flexibility being at The Sixth Form and enjoyed the content in all the subjects."

Thomas achieved an A in Accounting, B in Maths and C in French.

(Image: Furness College)

Over at Channelside, India Crook, Reece Mulholland and Isabelle Walton all studied T Level Education and are taking the next steps to a career in teaching.

Isabelle achieved a Distinction and has secured a place at The University of Chester. Reece achieved Distinction and India achieved a Merit, both securing places to continue their studies at Furness College.

Sue Hannan, assistant principal for curriculum at Furness College, said she was proud of what the students had achieved.

“Year on year our students continue to astound me, their resilience, determination and commitment is something to behold," she said.

"As usual there are some outstanding individual performances, in some cases in very difficult circumstances, our students demonstrate what can be achieved if you put the effort in; results day is always a day of celebration.”

“We look forward to welcoming new and continuing students to our fantastic new Sixth Form facilities in September to continue the tradition of excellence in Barrow.”