A student in Cumbria has set his targets on finding a cure for Parkinson's Disease after his recent A Level success.

Michael Walmsley, a pupil at UVHS, achieved A*s across the board in Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Psychology, and will be headed to Oxford in September to study Medicine after finding out his results on Thursday (August 15).

Added to this was yet another A* that Michael achieved in his EPQ, which has inspired him to aim high as he gets ready for life at university.

He said: "During my EPQ, I had to write a dissertation and I chose to look into the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.

"Going forward, we'll have a project in our third year at university [out of a six-year course] and I really think I'm going to revisit this topic to build upon my research."

Parkinson's Disease is a condition that affects the brain and causes tremors, slow movement and stiff muscles.

At the present time, there is no cure for the disease, with Michael now hoping to be at the forefront of the industry looking into treatments.