THE captain of a nuclear submarine has been sacked by the Royal Navy for allegedly making an explicit video.

The officer, in command of a Barrow-built Vanguard-class submarine, was kicked out of the Navy after chiefs saw the X-rated footage created, the Sun reported.

The captain was said to have shared the graphic footage with a junior sailor who served aboard the same submarine.

Crewmates claimed the pair had an illicit physical relationship when the £4 billion submarine was at sea.

Navy chiefs accused the submarine captain of sharing X-rated selfies as well.

The officer — who had reportedly met ­Princess Anne and was made an OBE for top-secret work — had moved on to a desk job when the footage and ­photographs were revealed, the paper reported.

He was immediately suspended before being sacked shortly afterwards under the Navy's zero tolerance policy' to ­sexually unacceptable behaviour, according to the newspaper.

The report said he was one of the youngest officers to captain a hunter-killer vessel before taking over a Vanguard-class, known as a 'bomber boat'.

The Navy has four nuclear-armed Trident submarines - all built at Barrow's shipyard - with one always at sea ready to respond to any potential nuclear attack.

A Royal Navy spokesman said: “All forms of unacceptable behaviour are taken extremely seriously and anything which falls short of the highest standards will not be tolerated.

“Anyone who is found culpable will be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their rank or status.”

The scandal follows revelations that Barrow's shipyard would be a potential target for a nuclear missile strike were Russia to go to war with NATO, according to leaked secret files.

The Financial Times said it had seen a presentation given to the Russian navy officers that included a list of targets.

Among them was the shipyard where the UK's Trident nuclear submarines are built.

It came as a former chair of the House of Commons defence committee warned an attack against Barrow was 'increasing in probability'.

The documents, which predate Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, suggest Moscow has rehearsed the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the initial stages of a war with a major world power.