A YOUNG girl who has raised funds for a hospice through her singing has been invited to perform at an annual charity event.

Grace Shimmin, nine, has been invited to sing at this year's Walk to Remember event on September 6 organised by St Mary's Hospice.

The 10-mile walk provides an opportunity to celebrate the lives of lost loved ones - all while raising money for the local charity.

This year the young girl started raising funds for the hospice which cared for her nanny Marie Shimmin when she was ill.

Grace Shimmin singing in Portland WalkGrace Shimmin singing in Portland Walk (Image: Submitted) Her fundraising journey began when she took her microphone to Portland Walk and sang to passers-by - raising a total of £648 last month.

Following this performance, Grace was invited to perform at the walking event. She will later walk the 10 miles with her mum and her dad to add money to her St Mary's pot.

Grace's mum Rebecca Shimmin said she was 'really proud' of her daughter.

"She has never done the walk before and it is something that we can do as a family which will be very nice," she said.

"She is very excited about the singing because there is about 100 tickets for it so it is going to be really nice to see her sing on the stage.

Grace at Becki Fishwick's showcase at The Holiday Inn Grace at Becki Fishwick's showcase at The Holiday Inn (Image: Submitted) "She is having one-to-one lessons with Becki Fishwick every week over the summer holidays to practice the song she wants to do so I think she should be OK but I think she is a little bit nervous just because she has never sung in front of that many people before."

The Dane Ghyll Community School and Nursery pupil has recently been nominated for a Love Barrow award following her Portland Walk singing.

The nine-year-old shares a big music passion - she sings for a school band called Star Girls.

Grace has so far raised £688 of the £850 target for the hospice.

To make a donation visit Grace Shimmin's GoFundMe page here.