Barrow AFC is doing more for its fans than the likes of Manchester City, Manchester United and Chelsea.

That is according to the recently published Fan Engagement Index for the 2023/24 season.

This measures a club's ongoing connection to its fanbase based on three categories, with AFC finishing in 21st position out of all 92 professional clubs in England and Wales.

This made it the fifth highest ranked outfit in League Two, and also saw it beat out some of the largest clubs in the country.

For instance, Chelsea were named in 35th position, Manchester City at 53 and Manchester United at 77.

The best team for fan engagement was said to be Exeter City, with the worst named as Rotherham United.

The index has been evaluating football clubs' interactions with their fans since 2018, using the categories of Dialogue, Governance and Transparency.

AFC were shown to have made great strides across the past two seasons, moving up from the 33rd spot they were placed in for the 2022/23 season.

A spokesperson from the club said that they were 'extremely pleased' with the results and the proof that their work with and in the community is having a tangible effect.

The Fan Engagement Index awards up to 240 points to each club based on the quality of their involvement in the fanbase, with Barrow being given a total of 130 - 25 more than Chelsea, 40 more than Manchester City, and 60 more than Manchester United.

Dialogue measures the meetings and processes in place to practice two-way communication with a club's fanbase and its representatives.

This also includes work with supporters' groups, involvement on fan forums, and the use of social media to interact with fans.

Governance evaluates such points as whether supports are part of the club's board, the club charter and its accessibility, and any legal agreements made with the supporters’ trust or other independent groups.

Transparency is measured by the publication of meeting reports and agendas, as well as the general acknowledgement of present proceedings at the club.