Lakeland Care & Support Services Limited has become an employee-owned enterprise.

The move by the Barrow-based company sees it join the ranks of organisations such as John Lewis PLC, which pioneered the employee-owned business model.

Chief executive officer and founder Marge Smyth said: "This business model seemed like the obvious choice when I was planning for retirement.

"Employee ownership incentivises our staff to ensure the business thrives long into the future and preserves the high-quality reputation we have built over the past 16 years.

"This model aligns perfectly with the ethos and values we have worked hard to instil in our company culture."

Ms Smyth also highlighted the advantages of employee ownership.

She said: "I can retire knowing the business is in safe hands and will continue to grow and strengthen.

"Employees will be encouraged to contribute to our success and have a real voice in the company’s operations.

"They will also enjoy direct benefits, such as tax-free bonuses and improved terms and conditions."

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