Walney Musical Theatre Company (WMTC) has informed customers that have requested refunds for shows cancelled due the discovery of asbestos why the refunds may 'take time'.

The toxic substance was found on July 26 in the backstage area of The Forum theatre.

Westmorland and Furness Council assured the public that no traces were found in air quality tests.

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At this stage, the local authority asserts that there is no evidence to suggest that anyone has been exposed to risk.

This unfortunately meant that several shows, including Walney Musical Theatre Company's production of Legally Blonde, had to be cancelled as per instructions by the council.

Three of its performances had to be cancelled in total.

The WTC committee took to its Facebook page to assure those who have requested refunds. The post read: "We, as a committee, have committed to refunding all of the tickets sold through our society members for Legally Blonde for the three cancelled performances and The Forum are doing the same for tickets sold through them but these things take time.

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"As people in amateur dramatics will know, we still have to pay for our production even though it was cancelled - the set still needed paying for, the costumes, the royalties, the tech hires, rehearsal venues, the list goes on.

"So naturally it’s taking a little longer to get around to refunds but we *will* get there for all those who request them.

"Please can any specific queries around this go through our company page - otherwise, the member you booked through will be in touch as soon as we’re able to facilitate the refunds.

"Thank you, again, for your patience and support."

The performance of Ireland: The Show, which was due to take place at the Forum on Thursday, August 1 at 7.30pm was performed at an alternative venue at the same time, taking place at the Coronation Hall.

Level UP Gaming's 'Summer Fest' event also lost access to the theatre room and was unable to host competitions on the main stage however did go on to have a successful event.