PART retrospective plans have been lodged to restore a chapel in the Lake District that dates back to the 18th century.

John Hadwin has submitted a planning application to the Lake District National Park Authority for planning permission to restore the former Scroggs Baptist Chapel to form an agricultural building on High Aulthurstside Farm, near Broughton.

According to planning documents the former chapel was constructed in 1701 with use of the site stopping around 1823.

Planning documents state: “The extensive works carried out to the building have resulted in the restoration of the former Chapel to its original appearance, with an emphasis on attention to detail.

“Original openings have been reopened, external stone walls rebuilt to their original height where they had been reduced, and a new graduated local slate roof installed.”

According to the design and access statement, work is on hold while the planning application is determined.

The planning application is currently under consideration.