A new series of support sessions is coming to Barrow to help people with their financial concerns.

The 'energy cafes', run by the Green Doctor Cumbria, are set to start in September and will take place every Friday at the 'Furness 4 U' Connect Hub on Howard Street.

Read more: Barrow charity provides 'warm packs' during energy crisis | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

It will serve as a chance to discuss any concerns you might have about energy bills, heating your home, damp and mould issues, or even if you are struggling to choose between eating and paying for heating.

The Green Doctor service helps people with their budgeting with free money mentoring support.

They are also working in partnership with the Barrow Foodbank and the Fuel Bank Foundation to provide vouchers for both food and prepayment energy meters after a consultation with those experiencing financial hardship.