A Barrow police dog was celebrated after tracking down two suspected thieves who attempted to steal a motorbike.

Police dog Quake apprehended two men who had attempted to ride off on a stolen motorbike, said police.

Cumbria police reported that much to their dismay, the canine can run up to speeds of 30mph and the pair did not get very far.

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Speaking on the Barrow police Facebook page, an officer said: "PD Quake tracked the two males and surprisingly, showing the most common sense they have probably ever have, they stopped and were promptly arrested.

"For those who don't know PD Quake, he can reach speeds of up to 30mph.

"For anyone thinking of stealing a motorcycle, we will catch you, and we will use our furry friends if needs be......and he doesn't use handcuffs."

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Barrow police also warned there had been several motorcycles and scooters stolen in the local area in the last few days.

The Facebook post added: "Please ensure that if possible these are locked away in a secure yard away from any sticky fingers."