A cancer survivor from Barrow-in-Furness will represent the charity that supported her at the upcoming Barrow Tall Ships Festival.

Louise Currie, 32, was supported by the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust after her treatment for medulloblastoma, a type of brain tumour.

She now volunteers with the organisation, helping young people who were in the position she was once in.

The charity takes young people aged eight to 24 on sailing and outdoor adventures to inspire belief in a future beyond and through cancer.

Miss Currie will be on-hand at the festival to discuss the charity's range of support services for young people after their treatment ends.

Ms Currie said: “I have been with the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust since 2008, when I experienced my first time sailing as a young person recovering from cancer. It was amazing, I’ll never forget it.

(Image: Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust)

“I’ll never forget it. It was so good to be with other young people who felt and understood the same things as me.

“I joined them again a couple of years later, then went on to become a volunteer.

“Since then, I have volunteered on trips that keep the feeling of family, support, and belonging alive, and hope that I can support other young people to have the same positive experiences I had, in a situation where positivity is lacking.

(Image: Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust)

“A skipper from the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust even attended my wedding in November, because that’s the kind of lasting friendships and sense of family that the charity provides.”

Through its adventures, the Trust helps young people rediscover independence, self-worth, and optimism for their future.