A BARROW man will be punished in the community for assaulting a police constable and racial harassment.

David Hill, of Andover Street, pursued a course of conduct that amounted to the harassment of a male and female in Barrow between June 26 and July 11 this year.

South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court heard Hill banged on their door, damaged their gate and assaulted the female by pushing her.

The 46-year-old then knocked on their door and shouted racist threats towards the man whilst in a drunken state, the court was told.

Prosecutor Lee Dacre said the defendant also sent several messages containing verbal abuse and racist comments between the dates in question.

Mr Dacre said Hill then assaulted Police Constable Fletcher, who was acting in the exercise of his functions as such a worker, on June 27.

On August 5, Hill was sentenced to a two-year community order after pleading guilty to harassment without violence, racially / religiously aggravated harassment without violence and assault by beating of an emergency worker.

As part of the order, magistrates required the defendant to complete 30 days of an alcohol treatment programme, as well as five rehabilitation requirement days.

In addition, magistrates imposed a two-year restraining order, as well as ordering that he pay a £500 fine.

No order for court costs or a surcharge was made due to the defendant’s lack of financial means.