The Cumbria Constabulary's Firearms Licensing Department has successfully dealt with a backlog of 1,795 non-complex firearm applications.

Moving forward, the team has committed to processing all new, non-complex renewals in eight weeks, and non-complex grants within 12 weeks.

David Allen, appointed as Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, took interest in the delays during his election campaign discussions.

Once he took on his role, Commissioner Allen engaged with the Chief Officer team to discuss strategies to resolve the backlog and prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

In response, significant plans and additional resources were initiated by the Constabulary to effectively reduce the backlog.

The attention will now be shifted towards the pending complex applications.

Such applications, usually involving medical issues or ongoing police inquiries, will require more time to ensure all applicants are suitable to own a firearm.

Commissioner Allen said: "Throughout my campaign to become your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, the public repeatedly told me of their concerns around delays in process leading to them not receiving the necessary documentation to allow them to legally maintain their firearms.

"This put our legally abiding firearms holders at risk through no fault of their own.

"I saw this as unacceptable and as something that needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency which is why I prioritised it as soon as I began my term in office to raise it with the Chief Constable.

"I am pleased to report that the Chief Constable also saw the issue as unacceptable and resolved to sort it out ASAP, which he and his staff have done.

"On May 10, there were 1,795 non-complex open applications.

"The backlog of non-complex applications has now been cleared."

Commissioner Allen also urged the public to reach out to him should they encounter delays of any form while applying for a license, assuring them he will address their concerns with the relevant authorities.

He said: "I want to formally apologise to those of you who had previously experienced these unacceptable delays in obtaining your certificates and to thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we dealt with the issues."

Rob Carden, Cumbria Constabulary's Chief Constable, said: "A significant amount of work has been conducted by the constabulary to clear the backlog of non-complex firearms applications and I am grateful for the efforts of those involved in achieving this.

"I would also like to reassure firearms licence holders that we have robust plans in place to ensure that this does not happen again."

Those who experience delays in applications can contact Commissioner Allen's office on 01768 217734 or at