Two kind-hearted children have been raising money for Furness General after their grandma suffered a stroke.

Darcy and Rex McCann, aged nine and eight respectively, have been relying on the local community to support their endeavour.

While their grandma Diana is currently looked after by the team at the hospital, the two kids have decided to use their time wisely by setting up a lemonade stand.

Their mum Rachel said: "Sadly, when their grandma was in Turkey, she suffered a serious stroke. 

"When we finally flew her back, they secured a bed on Ward Six, where she is currently being cared for.

"Because of that, the girls decided to raise money for the ward, and so they set up a lemonade stand outside East Mount Guest House on Abbey Road."

The lemonade stand - with a few packets of crisps - has raised over £100 for Furness GeneralThe lemonade stand - with a few packets of crisps - has raised over £100 for Furness General (Image: Rachel McCann)

Rachel wanted to take the opportunity to thank the local community for the support her children have received since beginning their fundraising efforts.

At the time of writing, Darcy and Rex have managed to bring in £103.80, all of which will be going to the hospital to help ensure they can keep tending to people in similar positions as their grandma.

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The McCann girls were able to visit the ward so that they could pass on the 'amazing' donation.

"Their little faces were a picture, they were super excited," Rachel added.

"I'm just so, so proud of them and what they've achieved, turning what was a really difficult situation into something that could do a lot of good."

Recently, Ward Six at Furness General Hospital was closed to visitors following a norovirus outbreak.

This section of the hospital provides general medical care and treatment, and cares for elderly and frail patients

This meant the McCanns' opportunities to check on Diana were more limited, entrusting hospital staff to give her the best care possible.

Now that doors have reopened, with some restrictions still in place, this enabled Darcy and Rex to show their gratitude to those staff members who have continued to work under unusual circumstances.