Coniston Mountain Rescue Team was called out in the middle of heavy rainfall to help a group of four walkers.

Incident number 45 of 2024 was recorded at 10:29pm on Friday August 2, with 13 volunteer team members in attendance.

The walkers had lost their way in the dark near Low Water, close to the main track for the Old Man of Coniston, and were very wet and cold.

READ MORE: Lake District: Mountain rescuers called out to crashed mountain biker

Three Land Rovers were deployed to the highest driveable point and the team walked up from there.

The lost party was located taking refuge in a tent. The rescue team provided dry clothes and a warm drink.

Once all their gear was packed away the group was accompanied down the main track and driven to Coniston Mountain Rescue Base.

They were able to warm up before being taken back to their vehicle in the village.

The team have were called out twice on Saturday, read more here:


The incident lasted for three hours and 15 minutes.

Coniston Mountain Rescue is a voluntary organisation that provides a valuable and sometimes life-saving service, they rely on fundraising and donations.

You can help support their work by donating here: