An Ulverston resident his expressed his anger after damage was caused to the historical property he lives in.

Adam Simpson, who is disabled and works part time, came back to find debris in the street at Daltongate.

The 43-year-old currently rents a flat in a Grade II-listed building which dates back to 1880.

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Significant damage had been caused to the lintel, architrave, lead guttering and pipe work of the property, he said.

"I didn't know what had happened," Adam said. "I'm disabled and can only work one day a week. I'm rarely out of the flat and this happened when I was at a hospital appointment.

"Parts of the front of the building were completely smashed.

(Image: Adam Simpson) "There was some work done to the buildings around three months ago and I thought has something fallen?

"Some had been cleared away around the side of the building but I still don't know who did that - whether it was a neighbour or the person who did it that cleared it."

Adam told a friend who said it could be a lorry.

(Image: Adam Simpson) Adam said: "That made sense to me. The road is very narrow and it's not really meant for bigger vehicles."

Adam said he had seen CCTV of a lorry driver driving away from the scene.

Adam said: "I estimate it has caused thousands of pounds worth of damage."

(Image: Adam Simpson) Adam said his landlord and the insurance companies have been informed and has reported the incident to police.

A spokesperson for Cumbria police said: "Police were contacted at 2:38pm on 25 July to the report of damage caused to a building in the area of Daltongate.

"It is believed a large vehicle has struck the building causing damage."