A MUSEUM and library in the Lake District has launched a digital trail.

The Armitt Museum and Library in Ambleside created Amble with The Armitt - a digital trail website dedicated to putting artefacts, documents and pictures back in their original context.

The first objects have been collated to form 'shop front stories'.

Each object is situated with the building in Ambleside where it was discovered or belonged before it was donated to the museum. 

An initial 6 objects have been selected for this first trial, but more are planned so visitors can explore the collection in the museum further. People can either follow the trail from their homes or physically.

Faye Morrissey, The Armitt’s Manager and Curator, said: “Our staff and volunteer project team have developed it with everyone in mind – there is text, audio transcripts, images and soon-to-be video interviews with some of the current building owners. To encourage people to enjoy the trail in-person and then visit the museum (which is both the start and finish point), The Armitt is giving 10% off to anyone who can correctly answer a question on the trail route."

To explore The Armitt’s digital trail, visit here.