THE mother of a toddler with a rare condition has expressed her gratitude after a large donation means that she will be able to participate more in nursery. 

Mìa Amor Morgan, three, from Barrow, has hydrocephalus which is when a baby is born with excess fluid in their brain and other physical health conditions.

Mìa is non-verbal and she cannot sit up on her own. Her mother Sarah Forster has been fundraising for Mia to have a specialist chair which would give her more independence in nursery. 

Mìa wearing a yellow shirt for Shine, a charity that offers life-long specialist supportMìa wearing a yellow shirt for Shine, a charity that offers life-long specialist support (Image: Submitted)

Ramsden Robins, on Thwaite Street, could not afford to pay for the chair and the cost was not being covered by the council or the NHS. Sarah set a target of £2,853 on her GoFundMe page. A £1,455 donation from the Rotary Club of Furness met her target.

"We now have all the money for the chair for Mìa to have in nursery," Sarah said. 

Mìa is 'one of the most popular children' at the nurseryMìa is 'one of the most popular children' at the nursery (Image: Submitted)

"I can't express just how much this means to us. We are so thankful to everyone that has donated on the GoFundMe and to the Rotary Club of Furness for making it possible for us to get the chair.

"We will now order the chair and hopefully it will arrive before Mìa goes back to nursery in September. This is going to benefit her so much when she goes back."

In June, Ramsden Robins raised money for Shine, a charity that provides specialist support from before birth and throughout the life of anyone living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus. 

They did this by everyone, including the babies, wearing yellow for one day - raising £86 in the process. 

Manager of the nursery Clare Johnson said: "She is one of the most popular members of the class. The children really, really love her." 

The specialist chair will now enable her to get fully involved with more of the activities at the nursery.