PLANS have been lodged to place self-storage units on farmland in Walney in a bid to generate income in the face of ‘increasing input costs’ associated with the business.

David Slone has submitted a planning application to Westmorland and Furness Council to site 14 shipping containers on land at Piel View to act as self-storage units which are proposed to be rented out to the public.

According to planning documents each shipping container will be 14 by 20 feet in size and will be accessed via Mawflat Lane.

A design and access statement says: “Due to the decoupling of subsidies and the increasing input costs associated with the farm business, it has become necessary to generate income from other sources to subsidise the farming enterprise and secure the farm’s future.”

The farm is currently stocked with traditional breeds of both cattle and sheep, which graze South End nature reserve.

This planning application is currently undergoing public consultation.