A MAN with an extensive criminal record has been fined for recklessly damaging two household items.

Stephen Dixon, of Mardale Grove in Barrow, pleaded guilty at the first opportunity to criminal damage to property valued under £5,000.

Lee Dacre, prosecuting the case at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court, said police received a call from the defendant’s mother at 9:10 pm on March 20 this year to report that Dixon had smashed a deer ornament and a picture frame.

Mr Dacre said the value of the items was unknown.

The court was told Dixon – aged 34 - had an antecedent record consisting of 32 previous offences for 19 convictions.

In mitigation defence barrister Michael Graham said: “He made full and frank admissions to police for his responsibility with this reckless act.

“He tells me he was due to see his son but his ex-partner had made steps for that not to happen on the day in question. He was frustrated and smashed these two items but he replaced them within a week of the event.

“He is currently unemployed but is working at the moment voluntarily at a community project in Barrow.”

On July 31, magistrates fined Dixon £40 for the offence.

He was also ordered to pay court costs of £85 as well as a £16 surcharge.