University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has received a nine of out 10 score from cancer patients for their care and treatment.

A total of 510 patients participated in a National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2023 where they rated the health board highly for its care and treatment.

The results from the survey were published on July 24.

The survey, in its 13th year, revealed that patients felt the care team worked well together, scoring 91 percent.

Fiona Macdonald, lead cancer nurse at UHMBT, said: "Your feedback is invaluable and plays a crucial role in our continuous efforts to enhance patient care.

(Image: University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust)

"Additionally, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated staff for their relentless commitment to implementing improvements based on the survey findings.

"Your hard work and dedication are instrumental in ensuring we provide the highest quality of care for our cancer patients and families."

UHMBT's ratings improved compared to the previous year.

Scores increased by 14 percent, with 79 percent of patients confirming that their families or someone close could communicate with the hospital team caring for them.

Nationally, 132 NHS Trusts participated in the 2023 survey, generating responses from 63,428 individuals, a 52 percent response rate.

UHMBT's rate was slightly higher at 53 percent.

The Trust received high scores for the timeliness of diagnostic information and for respecting patient privacy.

Patients also said that referral to diagnosis was explained in a way that could be completely understood and found help readily available from staff.

The survey revealed specific areas where UHMBT scored above the national average including privacy given to patients during test results (97 percent), waiting times at clinic and day unit for cancer treatment (88 percent), accessing help (81 percent), and understanding diagnoses (72 percent).

However, survey findings highlighted some areas for improvement.

These included delivering diagnoses in an appropriate place (82 percent) and creating care plans (90 percent), both scoring below the national average.

Tabetha Darmon, chief nursing officer at UHMBT, said: “The survey results will help us to monitor our progress and make quality improvements where necessary. All feedback from our patients helps us to improve care and treatment, and to plan our services for the future.

“The results demonstrate the great teamwork and professionalism of colleagues who provide excellent care and treatment for cancer patients at our Trust.

"The results also demonstrate that our Trust Strategy – ‘Putting Patients First’ – is having an impact on care and treatment. We will continue to strive to provide great care for all cancer patients at UHMBT.”