Firefighters in Ulverston have been making sure they are ready for any potential emergency at a 'local risk site'.

The on-call team were granted access to GSK's factory on North Lonsdale Road on Monday night (July 29) for a change in scenery for the group's weekly training session.

The aim of the session was to ensure that first responders are fully prepared if a worker gets into trouble at the site.

The crew worked with GSK to make the training session possibleThe crew worked with GSK to make the training session possible (Image: Ulverston Blue Light Hub)

A spokesperson from Ulverston Blue Light Hub commented: "The training scenario was a rescue from height following a substantial fall.

"The rescue was complex, realistic and tested the crews thought processes and ability to use the line rescue equipment in a less familiar environment where there are a number of potential hazards.

"Thank you to GSK for facilitating the training session and allowing CFRS to train on site."