A MAN has been sentenced by a court after he prevented police from arresting a woman.

Joshua Silver, of Tay Court, Barrow, obstructed PC Howstan in the execution of her duty by swearing at the officer and slamming shut a police van door, South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court.

Lee Dacre, prosecuting the case, said the 21-year-old was charged after he attempted to stop officers from arresting the woman on Anson Street in Barrow on June 20 this year.

The court was not told of the reason why the woman was being arrested.

In mitigation defence solicitor Michael Graham said the woman shouted at the defendant to stop the police from arresting her.

Mr Graham added: “He did not want her to be taken into custody. He apologised for making the officer's job more difficult in police interview.

“He is diagnosed with autism. He takes things deeply and is quite a nervous person."

The court heard Silver was subject to a community order at the time of the offence.

Magistrates imposed an £80 after Silver pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

He was also ordered to pay £85 in court costs and a £32 surcharge.