This is a critical year in a time like never before.

We are a species in confusion: all the edges are blurring, right becoming wrong and wrong becoming right. Nations look to the future with fear as the threat of war stalks the earth under gathering clouds of global geophysical disaster. Machineries of industry and entertainment grind ponderously onwards despite the Wizard of Oz-like illusion becoming more glaringly obvious.  

All this reminds me of the words of Jesus, ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.’ It was a land in chaos then; it is a world in chaos now. Just as each life has a time limit, so the whole human world also has a time limit.

We may not like it, but reality is what it is, regardless of our preferences; regardless of our futile protests.

Nobel Prize-winning author, Svetlana Alexievich, in her book, Secondhand Time, writes:  “We didn’t understand that protesting and shouting wasn’t enough... Love can save us all, but hatred and fear will never save us.”

Perhaps it’s time to rethink our situation?

Jesus said ‘Perfect love casts out fear.’  Beyond the chaos and fear of the human world is the eternal reality Jesus demonstrated by his life, death and resurrection: the love of God for this planet in rebellion. As a species we have never needed that divine guiding Light of Love more than we do today.

Written by John Pickering (see also

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