A MAN assaulted his partner after she threatened to sleep with another male, a court heard.

Stuart Tyson, of Walkers Terrace in Barrow, placed his hand around the throat of the victim for approximately 10-15 seconds, prosecutor Lee Dacre said.

South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court was told the assault occurred following a drunken argument in Barrow town centre on February 1 after Tyson – aged 38 - and the complainant had met with friends.

Mr Dacre said: “During this time the defendant became angry and left to go home. The complainant remained in town with her friends.

“At 8:30 pm she returned home. The defendant has then began shouting and swearing at the victim in the living room in front of four children.

“The complainant sat down on the sofa and put her phone on charge when Tyson then walked over to her and placed his hand around her throat.

“The incident caused a red mark on her neck.”

Defence solicitor Lisa Phizacklea, representing Tyson, described the injury as ‘minor’.

She added: “The defendant pleads guilty at the first opportunity and should be awarded maximum credit.

“He tells me he was involved with an argument with the victim as she threatened to go and sleep with another male. As a result, he grabbed her by the neck to ensure he had her attention whilst he was speaking to her.

“The offence took place whilst he was drunk and under the influence of drugs. He tells me the relationship is now over and he wants to move away from the area and have a fresh start.

“He accepts there was a mark on the victim’s neck. He is a hardworking man who earns around £1,000 per week."

Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order with requirements to complete 100 hours of unpaid work.

Tyson was also made the subject of a 12-month restraining order which prohibits him from contacting directly, or indirectly, the victim in the case and entering Storey Square in Barrow.

He was also told to pay court costs of £85 and a £114 surcharge.