A SOUTH Cumbria primary school has been praised after a recent Ofsted inspection handed it a 'Good' rating.

St Martin & St Mary Church of England Primary School in Princes Road, Windermere, was given the grading after a visit by Ofsted lead inspector Emma Jackson on June 12 and 13. 

The school has currently 403 pupils on its roll between the ages of 2 and 11.

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The report outlines that pupils, including children in early years, live out the school’s vision of life in 'all its fullness'.

It said: "Pupils willingly adopt the school’s values including friendship and honesty.

"They are happy to attend this caring and welcoming school."

The inspector also praised the school's high expectations for pupils and their 'well' behaviour.

It added: "Pupils benefit from a range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills. These include taking on roles as school councillors, dinner monitors, mini police and sports leaders.

"Pupils develop their cooperation and team-building skills through the lunchtime activities that the school provides. They are proud to represent their school in a wide range of sports across the county."

The inspector also noted that the school has made attendance a 'high priority' and as a result attendance is improving.

It said: "Rewards are given to pupils who attend regularly, and support is swiftly put into place for those pupils who do not attend school often enough."

While the report noted that the school has developed a carefully 'thought through' and 'suitably ambitious' curriculum it also identified areas in which the school could improve.

It said: "In a small number of subjects, there is a lack of clarity about the knowledge that pupils need to acquire. This makes it difficult for teachers to design learning and then check pupils’ understanding. As a result, some pupils do not learn some aspects of the curriculum as well as they should.

"The school should define the essential knowledge that pupils must learn in all subjects, so that pupils can build their knowledge and understanding over time."