THE council has confirmed the presence of asbestos in the backstage area of an arts centre.

Following a recent water leak, investigations in the backstage area of the Forum have confirmed the presence of asbestos.

Westmorland and Furness said that no traces have been found in air quality tests and there is no evidence to suggest that anyone has been exposed to risk.

Given the news the council took the 'difficult decision' to cancel Friday and Saturday night’s performances of Legally Blonde The Musical of Walney Musical Theatre Company in The Forum’s theatre and the theatre will be out of use for the time being.

"We fully appreciate that people will be concerned. However, we can assure everyone that the decision to cancel is a ‘belt and braces' approach to health and safety responding to the information we have been given by specialist advisors supporting the council," said a council spokesperson.

"The next step is for a full survey of the theatre area to be undertaken to understand the extent of the problem and determine a way forward."

Performances scheduled for next week after Legally Blonde will not be going ahead in the theatre and we are contacting producers on possible options for alternative venues. The council said they will update on this 'as soon as decisions are made'.

Members of their box office team are contacting Legally Blonde ticket holders to make them aware and advise on their options.

The theatre has no further bookings for August after next week. The rest of the Forum, including the café, is unaffected and remains open and available to the public.

A council spokesperson added: "Clearly everyone concerned with The Forum feels desperately sorry for all performers, organisers and tickets holders that the shows cannot go ahead as planned, but public safety has to remain our absolute priority.

"We, again, would like to thank patrons for their support and the understanding shown during a difficult 24 hours."

Reacting to the news on social media, John from Walney Musical Theatre Company said they were 'distraught'.

He said: "I honestly don’t have anything more to say other than to thank my incredible, wonderful cast and crew for six months of hard work and how desperately sad I am that they only got to show it for two nights of a planned five.

"They’ve been a complete joy to work with and the energy on that stage was something really special. I can’t quite comprehend that this has happened.

"The Forum, and us, will be in touch soon around tickets."