It’s been a whirlwind of a few weeks since polling day, elected on a Friday and here in Westminster just two days later where we’ve hit the ground running and started as we mean to go on.

In the first 72 hours The Chancellor took steps to unblock the planning system, meaning we can build the homes that so many people desperately need, along with the infrastructure to kick start our economy, generate our own clean green energy and create secure well-paid jobs.

A new National Wealth Fund has been created which will help boost our ports, steel and hydrogen industries.

We’ve met with water companies making it clear that they will be answerable for their performance.

The Health Secretary met with the BMA to end NHS strikes, and the Home Secretary has started work on establishing the new Border Security Command.

The job of an MP is certainly one of the most unique, challenging and satisfying I know.

The longest interview process ever, which, once you’re given the job, begins instantly but with no job description, office or set hours.

Our first morning in the chamber was unusual, given that it was solely an induction for new MPs, and there were so many of us we filled those famous green benches leaving most of us wondering where the returning MPs would fit.

Turns out that they fit anywhere, shoulder to shoulder, on the steps, huddled at the edges or peeping out from behind the Speaker’s chair.

In these first weeks I have met with representatives from BAE, our biggest employer, and arranged to meet with them and several other large industries to discuss the incredible work we deliver here in Barrow and Furness, addressed a reception for business leaders on the importance of our High Streets, attended the Barrow Buzz Awards, Furness Motorcycle Action Club rally, Kendal Mayors Inauguration, Ulverston Pride, Barrow Festival of Transport and The State Opening of Parliament.

I’m currently focussed on putting together a team and office to ensure we can deliver the best for Barrow and Furness and begin surgeries across the area.

I’d like to finish by thanking everyone who put their faith and trust in me and elected me as the first woman and first local person ever to be your MP.

It gives me great pride to represent the place I was born; I won’t let you down.