A Cumbrian MP has called on the government to make it a requirement for all new build homes to be fitted with solar panels.

The MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, Tim Farron, has tabled an early day motion in Parliament for solar panels to be installed onto all new properties.

In the last Parliament, the Liberal Democrat MP put forward a similar proposal to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, but the amendment was defeated by eight votes to six.

Mr Farron said: “Making our homes more energy efficient is absolutely essential to us tackling the climate emergency, reducing soaring bills, and improving our country’s energy security.

“By ensuring new homes are built to zero carbon standards, we can also save people from being left with huge bills having to retrofit their home later down the line.”

The motion also calls for local councils and national park authorities to be given the powers to enforce zero carbon standards on new homes in their area.