NEW plans have been lodged to knock down a derelict Barrow pub that dates back to the 1850s and build an apartment block in its place.

Westwise Development Ltd has submitted proposals to demolish the former Queens Arms pub on Rawlinson Street and construct a three-storey 21-unit apartment block.

According to planning documents, the proposed apartment block would consist of 18 one-bedroom flats and three two-bedroom flats. The site will be car-free apart from two electric vehicle charging points.

Plans for the apartment block were previously withdrawn in October 2023 after a report by planning officers to the Barrow in Furness local area planning committee recommended councillors to refuse the scheme as the proposal was of a ‘generally uninspiring and bland design’.

The report said: “It fails to sensitively acknowledge adjacent heritage assets and their setting or to preserve or enhance the historic environment or to take into account key vistas, viewpoints and characteristics to achieve a sense of place.”

A design and access statement submitted with the new planning application says amendments have been made to improve the design and impact on heritage assets.

Among changes include private outdoor space for some flats, ‘high quality’ brickwork on Rawlinson Street and the use of local red sandstone on parts of the building.

According to planning documents, the height of the proposed apartment block would be no higher than the existing building.

The Queens Arms opened in 1853 and changed many times over the years – becoming a popular live music venue before its closure in 2008.

Planning documents state: “Despite efforts to secure the property, there have been ongoing problems with vandalism and theft of building materials and the structural condition of the building has now deteriorated beyond economic repair.

“In its current condition the building has a negative impact on the street scene – particularly given its prominent corner position visible from Salthouse Road.

“Allowing the demolition and rebuilding with a high-quality new building would make a significant contribution to the proposed wider regeneration projects in the area including the nearby Marina Village strategic allocation and the proposed housing renewal programme along Rawlinson Street.”

The planning application is currently undergoing public consultation.