A fisherman was brought to the 'point of exhaustion' after being caught up by tides in Morecambe Bay.

The incident happened on Saturday morning (July 20) with the man involved said to have been digging for bait at the time.

Read more: Morecambe Bay tides catch residents out and 'devalue' cars | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

A spokesperson from Bay Search and Rescue [BSAR] said: "He was completely caught out by a fast moving spring tide, spending nearly fifteen minutes swimming, walking, floating and drifting to the point of exhaustion and shock.

"He was finally collected by our friends and colleagues from Morecambe Lifeboat and their hovercraft, and brought ashore into the waiting hands of BSAR crew members and the Arnside and South Lakes Coastguard Rescue Team.

"He was then handed over to the care of the Northwest Ambulance Service - we hope he makes a speedy recovery from what must have been a frightening ordeal."