A new service is being launched in Barrow to help autistic people find employment.

Spearheaded by Autus Cumbria, the sessions will begin on Friday, July 26 in the Careers Hub at Portland Walk.

From that point going forward, the drop-in meetings will be held once a week between 1pm and 4.30pm.

A spokesperson from Autus Cumbria explained: "We're offering support for autistic adults who are looking for employment or are in employment but would like advice on how they might improve their working environment and relationships."

The sessions will cover topics such as recognising your skills, creating a successful CV, and interview preparation.

It will also share information on issues that more acutely impact autistic people, including asking for adjustments to make the workplace more comfortable and creating an 'autism passport' to share with an employer.

For further information, email info@autuscumbria.co.uk.