The owners of a dog requiring emergency care have launched a fundraiser to help pay for medical bills.

Adele Holdforth, from Barrow, has set up a fundraising page to get her dog the emergency care he needs.

Casper, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, is just over one year old. Adele described him as a 'bubbly dog who loves people and is very vocal'.

Casper, who was not insured, is believed to have eaten a sock that became stuck somewhere in his abdomen or digestive tract and was not able to eat for almost a week.

Adele said he had been throwing everything up.

When he was first taken to the vets, Adele was told that Casper needed surgery to remove whatever had become stuck and was quoted around £2,000.

Adele said it was an emergency and asked people to donate.

She said: “He’s my baby and I’d hate to lose him.”

Casper’s surgery couldn’t wait for the full amount to be raised as he was getting worse so Adele was forced to take out a loan to pay for his medical bills.

Casper is currently being treated at Grove Veterinary Surgery on Rawlinson Street in Barrow.

Adele said: “We’ve had to take a loan out for the payments and we’re paying it back monthly so any money that was donated will be going into paying the loan back.”

So far, the funding page says they have successfully raised £365 of the £2,000 target, thanks to 34 people donating.

Adele said she was feeling extremely stressed and worried about Casper, who they have had since he was four months old, but she is also anxious about repaying the loan.

She said: “Me and my sister are both apprentices and we can barely afford to live as it is so it’s more stress on my back.”

You can help by donating here: