A BARROW pervert caught talking to two teenage decoys set up by separate online paedophile hunter groups simultaneously has been jailed.

Steven Hodgson, 61, of Middle Hill, was handed a 42-month sentence, half of which will be served on licence, after communicating with what he thought were two 13-year-olds.

The offences were committed between 27 December 2022 and 1 January 2023.

The court heard the police had received a complaint from an online group and discovered he had been talking to another group when they arrested him and seized his devices. 

Despite the ‘child’ telling Hodgson she was 13, he proceeded to strike up conversations of a sexual nature.

The charges state that he complimented one decoy and for the other he referenced parts of her body. One of the groups he had been speaking to was called Darkness Exposure, the court heard.

Prosecutor Tom Farr told the judge he told the decoy how 'sexy she was.' 

"He told her he would like to be in bed with her," Mr Farr said. 

When the police interviewed him, the court heard he told officers the sexual conversations were 'banter.'  

Defending, Sarah Magill said Hodgson was looking after his 88-year-old mother. "He has lived with her all of his life," she said. "He helped her with jobs around the house."

She said it would be his 'first experience in custody.' Ms Magill said he admitted to police officers that 'clearly something has gone wrong here.' 

He worked as a cleaner for 19 years but has since lost his job as a result of the case, the court heard. 

Judge Darren Preston said: "When you were arrested your devices revealed you had been contacting another decoy."

Judge Preston said Hodgson will 'lose his good name' because of the case. "Your mother will suffer, perhaps more than you. I accept you are not well yourself. Prison will not be an easy environment," he said. 

He said that having heard the mitigation he was imposing the 'least possible sentence he could in the circumstances.' 

He told Hodgson that he would have to stay in contact with the police 'for the rest of your life.' 

He is also now subject to a sexual harm prevention order.

Hodgson admitted two counts of attempting to sexually communicate with a child and two counts of attempting to incite a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity.

A police spokesperson said: “Steven Hodgson engaged in sexual online conversations with two people he believed to be 13-year-old girls.

“Hodson is clearly a risk to children and his use of the internet to engage in sexually explicit conversations was appalling.

“Fortunately, there were no actual girls involved, however that doesn’t reduce the seriousness of his offending.

“Protecting young people from harm and ensuring children are safe online from predators is one of our top priorities and we will do everything in our power to ensure those who commit offences are brought before the courts.”