A charity has highlighted the effects of litter in the Lake District as it looks to encourage people to change their behaviour.

Friends of the Lake District are spearheading a summer of action to protect the region from the harshest impacts of tourism.

'The Great Cumbrian Litter Pick' urges people to 'leave no trace' whenever they visit.

A spokesperson said: "The lasting effects of leaving rubbish and BBQs in the landscape aren't just visual.

"It can kill wildlife and livestock, damage our soils, leach into our water systems and cause health hazards for people too."

The charity shared a range of tips for visitors to take note of so that they are prepared to clean up after themselves.

This includes bringing spare containers when hiking through the fells and using reusable products for picnics.

You can find out more about the charity's activity and the other suggestions they make here.