A year since campaigners gathered on a south Cumbrian beach to protest against proposals for a holiday resort on the Furness peninsula – environmental groups say the area is still ‘under threat’.

In July 2023 landscape charity Friends of the Lake District, along with Save Roanhead members, ran an event that asked people to ‘Make a Stand on the Sand’ to demonstrate the strength of opposition to the proposals for the Roanhead Lodge Resort.

Plans for up to 450 lodges on the site were withdrawn by ILM Group in November 2023 and new scaled-back proposals for 233 lodges were submitted in January.

Developers said the new proposals would ‘significantly’ reduce the number of visitors to the site and potential associated impacts on the natural environment.

Then in June, Queensland Country Park Ltd submitted a planning application to build a ‘sustainable leisure retreat’ on land off Hawthwaite Lane on Roanhead.

According to plans lodged with Westmorland and Furness Council, the proposed development would consist of 23 holiday lodges, 10 glamping pods, 24 caravan/motorhome pitches, a facilities building, an amenity block and a booking office.

A design and access statement said: “The application seeks to provide a low-impact, sustainable, leisure retreat for visitors to Roanhead, and for local residents.”

Speaking a year on from the ‘make a stand on the sand’ demonstration, chief executive of Friends of the Lake District, Michael Hill, said: “There was widespread opposition to plans submitted last year.

“We stood alongside members of Save Roanhead and other environmental organisations to object and will continue to do so in the face of these additional proposals.

“The impact of lodges, parking, lighting and restaurants on the landscape, along with the additional footfall of thousands more people in an internationally protected area teeming with wildlife, is completely inappropriate.”

According to developers for the Roanhead Lodge Resort, in the new plans ‘buffer zones’ between the resort and designated nature sites have been expanded.

Greater protection has also been afforded to the nearby ancient woodland and the construction access to the site has been moved away from this area, said ILM.

Planning documents submitted on behalf of Queensland Country Park Ltd said one of the aims of the proposed development was to provide ‘ecologically friendly’ leisure accommodation that would promote the physical and mental health of its visitors.

A design and access statement said: “the applicant merely wishes to provide eco-friendly lodge accommodation and touring caravan facilities, of appropriate scale, for visitors and local people wishing to enjoy the unique experience and tranquillity associated with Roanhead and this part of the Cumbrian coastline.”

However, Rebecca McIlgorm, from Save Roanhead, urged people to object to the proposed developments in the area.

Ms McIlgorm said: “Last year, thousands of people signed a petition against the proposals and objected to the plans. These new proposals continue to threaten the coastal area of Roanhead.

“Not only will the proposed developments impact on important wildlife habitats in this area, but there will also be an impact on local people who currently enjoy the tranquillity and remoteness here.”

Both planning applications are currently under consideration by Westmorland and Furness Council.