THE council’s preferred option for the delivery of a library service in Ulverston has been revealed.

According to Westmorland and Furness Council, an independent assessment found the remodelling of The Coronation Hall to create a café, meeting rooms and flexible community use spaces along with an enhanced library service would cost £2.5 million.

The same independent assessment found the cost of refurbishing the King’s Road library to the standard of the Kendal or Barrow libraries would cost £1.9 million. Works would include heating and electrical works, roofing repair, fabric works and refurbishment.

The refurbishment of King’s Road to house a stand-alone library service and to re-model The Coro to create the community café and better community spaces but without the library service would cost £4.2 million, said the council.

According to the council, the assessment concluded the preferred option to co-locate the library in The Coro would deliver ‘better value for money’ and a ‘higher cost to benefit ratio’ than refurbishing both buildings.

The assessment adds: “The presence of a permanent library offer within The Coro is expected to be a key driver of footfall, supporting The Coro to become a focal point for the community and visitors.”

The council launched its consultation asking for feedback on proposals that would see ‘considerable investment’ in The Coro to create an enhanced and expanded library on July 10.

Councillor Virginia Taylor, cabinet member for sustainable communities and localities, said: “We have looked at options including the cost of re-opening King’s Road and how a permanent co-location in The Coro might work alongside and complement the venue. We wanted to look in detail at how different options, combinations of options and levels of investment would best support the future of both the library service and The Coro.

“If finally approved, the preferred option would result in millions of pounds of investment in The Coro, not only to create an expanded library but also improve The Coro itself, with a new community café and more flexible spaces for community use. The independent assessment concludes this would benefit library users, the wider Ulverston community and improve the long-term sustainability of The Coro.

“We believe this represents an exciting opportunity but it is now vitally important that we understand your thoughts on this proposal before any final decisions are made.”

The library on King’s Road closed in September after the discovery of electrical faults in the building during routine statutory checks.

Following the council taking over the management of the Coro in January, the temporary library has been located in the Supper Room at the Coro and is open in line with the King’s Road opening hours.