A BARROW man has been jailed after his 'degrading and humiliating' behaviour resulted in his former partner contemplating suicide.

Jordan McHugh, of Newton Road, assaulted his ex-partner on multiple occasions and took control of every aspect of her life between December 29 2015 – August 31 2021, Preston Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor Emma Kehoe said their 12-year relationship ended in July 2021 after the complainant had been made the subject of a ‘catalogue of abuse’.

Ms Kehoe said the 33-year-old isolated the victim from seeing her family and friends, who she said the defendant described as ‘commoners’.

She said he spat in her face after every argument, threw a bowl of porridge at her and that he tipped water over her head following an argument.

The court heard McHugh punched the woman to the face which required her to attend A&E and assaulted her on another occasion by throwing a phone at her head following an argument after a night out in York.

He assaulted the woman again in November 2020 by kicking her to the back of her legs when she threatened to leave him, Ms Kehoe said.

The court was told McHugh became frustrated while playing a computer game and as a result punched her to the face after he had blamed her for losing.

Ms Kehoe added the defendant would gamble and then blame the complainant when they had no money.

The court heard the acts were sometimes committed in front of his two children and while under the influence of alcohol and cocaine.

He was sentenced on July 12 after pleading guilty to engaging in controlling / coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship on May 8 after originally entering not guilty pleas.

The victim, whose impact statement was read into the court record by the prosecution, said: “I struggle to describe and put into words how Jordan has changed my life.

“I was once a social person, the life and soul of a party and always up for a life.

“I didn’t realise the life I was living was not normal. I did not believe my family and friends telling me our relationship was wrong. He made me feel they were in the wrong.

“I would leave events early or just not attend at all. I feel it has affected my children’s relationship with the family.

“I even contemplated taking my own life. In my own head, I thought I no longer deserved to be here.

“I will never forgive him for the abuse and trauma he has inflicted on me.”

The court heard McHugh had two previous convictions relating to an assault and criminal damage against the same complainant.

In mitigation, Charles Brown urged His Honour Judge Ian Unsworth KC to step back from imposing an immediate custodial sentence.

He said: “There has been no contact between the two parties since their relationship ended.

“He works as a nuclear pipe fabricator and earns a good salary. He gives the mother of his children £660 p/m. The victim would suffer the loss of that income if he went to prison. He has not seen his children in over a year.

“He is suffering from an extremely grave and embarrassing condition which is refusing to heal. He has had 11 operations and attends the hospital regularly.

“He self-medicated with drink and drugs during the COVID-19 lockdown, which he has now given up. He has gained an insight into what led to his behaviour destroying their relationship.”

However, Judge Unsworth refuted Mr Brown’s submissions and said he was left with no other option but to jail McHugh for two years and eight months.

He said: “You degraded and humiliated your victim over a long period of time.

“Your actions were persistent, and it has caused a substantial effect on the complainant.

“I am satisfied she has suffered significant psychological harm.”

McHugh was also made the subject of an indefinite restraining order.