A Barrow project has empowered 1,700 children over the last eight years.

The Inspiring Barrow Kickstart programme, run by Cumbria CVS, closed this month with a celebration evening, bringing together previous participants, school staff, funders and others.

Started in July 2016, the project targeted social isolation and sought to boost the self-esteem, confidence, and life skills of children in the Barrow area.

The project was aimed at children in Years 6, 7, and 8 and offered after-school sessions and outdoor activities designed to build teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

At the celebration evening, more than 130 gathered at The Forum to commemorate the programme and its achievements.

Guests, including Barrow Mayor Judith McEwen, and HM. Lord Lieutenant Mr Alexander ScottGuests, including Barrow Mayor Judith McEwen, and HM. Lord Lieutenant Mr Alexander Scott (Image: Cumbria CVS)

Dave Cassidy, project lead, said: "It has been an absolute pleasure to have been involved in this project, seeing first-hand the difference it has made to so many young people.

"I have had an amazing time delivering the programme.

"I would also like to thank my colleague Kerry Stockdale who was involved for 5 years of the delivery."

Barrow mayor Judith McEwen and Lord Lieutenant Alexander Scott were in attendance to present certificates and special awards.

The Lord Lieutenant even brought his ceremonial sword to the event to explain the historical role of his position.

One significant achievement of the project is its ability to adapt and expand according to its participants’ needs.

In response to the covid-19 pandemic, the programme went online, providing crucial remote learning, while consistently expanding its reach to more schools and students each year.

The project also initiated numerous student-driven community campaigns, allowing children to create materials for causes important to their community.

In 'A Poetic Challenge', the children memorised and recited Spike Milligan’s poem, "On the Ning Nang Nong".

This endeavour encouraged teamwork, communication, and boosted their confidence.

Alison Phillips of Cumbria CVS, and Helen Carter of Francis Scott Trust at the Inspiring Barrow CelebrationAlison Phillips of Cumbria CVS, and Helen Carter of Francis Scott Trust at the Inspiring Barrow Celebration (Image: Cumbria CVS)

The 'History Detectives' programme provided engaging videos, interactive Q&A sessions, and evidence analysis activities, fostering continued personal development in growth and leadership.

It highlighted significant landmarks and historical figures of Barrow.

One innovative element was a mentoring programme for Year 6 students.

Developed in partnership with BAE Systems STEM Ambassadors, 150 children received support for their transition and preparation for SATs.

Mick Cull, headteacher of Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School, said: "The Inspiring Barrow mentors have been absolutely brilliant.

"In a short space of time, they have formed meaningful bonds with our children who need that connection most.

"We have seen a positive impact in the confidence and resilience in these children as a result of the mentoring sessions."

As the programme ends, its legacy continues in the lives of 1,700 Barrow children, whose skills, confidence and resilience have been significantly bolstered through active participation.