Two South Walney Junior School pupils have accepted a national poetry award at London's prestigious Globe Theatre.

Max Fullard and Ellie Jeffrey received the Poetry by Heart Special Contribution Award, in recognition of their school's work to increase the profile of poetry at the school in an inclusive way.

The award was presented to the young poets in front of a packed audience, including UK Poet Laureate Simon Armitage and outgoing Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho.

Deputy headteacher Michelle Banks mentioned how proud the school is, saying: "Their award was presented last so they had to listen to the other winners and wait until the end to speak in front of hundreds of people, which must have been nerve-racking.

“They spoke really eloquently and from the heart about poetry, what it means to them and what we have done as a school."

South Walney Junior School pupils Max Fullard and Ellie Jeffrey gave a speech in front of literary greats when they were presented with the Poetry by Heart Special Contribution Award at the Globe Theatre in London  (Image: South Walney Junior School)

Ms Jeffrey, said: "Receiving the award from Poetry by Heart at the Globe and being involved in the project has been a truly life-changing experience.

"Planting my feed on the Globe stage and looking at the audience was exhilarating and if I could go back again I would.

“My mindset has changed because of this amazing opportunity to be involved in Poetry by Heart."

She also thanked her teachers for giving her 'perfect’ opportunity.

As part of their memorable trip to London, the winners also attended a showing of Much Ado About Nothing at the Globe Theatre, a shared experience Mrs Banks said they all loved.

South Walney Junior School is associated with the South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust.