A DRUNKEN man tried to bite police officers while receiving treatment in hospital, a court heard.

Jonathan Haycock admitted assaulting two police officers having been taken to hospital on two separate occasions.

The 42-year-old also assaulted a man outside a town centre nightclub as staff tried to remove him.

Prosecutor Peter Kelly said the first assault happened on May 2022 as officers were taking Haycock back into custody at Barrow Police Station having arrested him.

Mr Kelly said: "He had to be taken to hospital because apparently he suffered some injuries at the time.

"When they returned back to the police station Mr Haycock was refusing to come out of the van.

"He had to be taken out of the van with a degree of force because of non-compliance.

"He's then stamped on the foot of PC Scott."

Mr Kelly said the officer was wearing protective boots and avoided any injuries.

In a statement read in court, PC Scott said: "I'm aware my line of work is more dangerous, however, I should not be assaulted on duty."

The court heard three days later the defendant was involved in a further incident outside the Hollywood nightclub in Barrow's Cavendish Street.

Just before 2am, Haycock was being removed from the club by staff when a bystander tried to help staff.

The bystander said the defendant was punching out at people around him and made contact with him, said Mr Kelly.

Haycock was then arrested and again taken to hospital by police where he assaulted PC Sandham.

The court heard that while at accident and emergency PC Sandham said the defendant became aggressive towards officers and had to be held back.

He kicked out towards officers and tried to bite them while receiving treatment from a doctor, the court heard.

In mitigation, Karen Templeton said Haycock was now like a 'completely different person'.

"He's bent over backwards to tell me how sorry he is," she said.

She said Haycock's behaviour was out of character and he was 'totally ashamed' of himself.

Ms Templeton said the defendant thought his behaviour may have been influenced by medication he began taking two weeks before the first incident, which he has since stopped.

Magistrates sentenced Haycock, of Aberdare Street, to a fine of £120 and ordered him to abstain from alcohol for 90 days under monitoring.

He was told to pay £50 in compensation to each of the victims.