THIS marks the final week of over 20 volunteers digging seven archaeological trenches around Millom to find historic artefacts. 

The team has also been sieving, washing and researching the items that have been found. 

"Finds have ranged from a Prehistoric flint to the largest collection of Medieval pottery in this area, musket and carbine balls from the Civil War, a lovely tiny stirrup shaped strap fitting dated to the mid-14th century, a tiny spindle whorl and a medieval coin. 

Finds ranged from a Prehistoric flint to the largest collection of Medieval pottery around MillomFinds ranged from a Prehistoric flint to the largest collection of Medieval pottery around Millom (Image: Submitted)

"Lots of Victorian pottery including pieces marked ‘Millom School’, glass, nails, bones, drain tiles, and dumped rubble in an area once dotted by old sand pits, have also been found," a spokesperson from Millom and District Local History Society said. 

The dig discovered part of the moat that once encircled the castle, demonstrating to historians that it was 'originally much larger than previously thought.' 

A coin found in the digA coin found in the dig (Image: Submitted)

All the finds will now need to be written up and a report prepared for the funders. The final event will be on Saturday, August 24 at Holy Trinity Church at 1-3pm. The finds will be on display, and presentations about the results of the project will be given. 

The group hope to do this again next yearThe group hope to do this again next year (Image: Submitted)

The diggers hope to do this again next year - subject to funding and permission from local landowners.