NEXT week will mark one month after tens of thousands of bikers arrived from across the country to Barrow in tribute to Hairy Biker Dave Myers. 

The event was one of the largest in recent memory for the town with fellow Hairy Biker Si King and Dave's widow Liliana in attendance.

Videographer John Rennie, also known for his work with Band in Dystopia, was commissioned by the council to create a highlight reel of the events going on outside The Forum when the bikers arrived on the afternoon of June 8. 

The crowds gathered outside The Forum on Dave DayThe crowds gathered outside The Forum on Dave Day (Image: John Rennie)

He said: "When reviewing my footage it occurred to me that there was an opportunity to tell a bigger story of the day using sections of the speeches I'd filmed by Si King and Liliana Myers but I was missing shots of the journey into Barrow."

He therefore asked members of the 50,000-strong Dave Day Facebook group for drone footage, point of view biker footage and footage from overbridges. He edited together a video that overlays the footage with quotes from Si and Liliana. 

In the video, Si tells the crowds: "Every single motorcyclist that's come into your community and your town today we've all been in tears - not one dry eye as we've come through." 

Si King addresses the crowdsSi King addresses the crowds (Image: John Rennie)

Si then says that the bikers have seen the crowds waving them from the bridges over the motorways and along the A590, which the video uses footage of. 

"It's just been unbelievable," Si said. 

Liliana called the event in Barrow 'beyond imagination.' She said to the crowd: "Well done you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this." 

Crowds welcome the arriving bikersCrowds welcome the arriving bikers (Image: Steve Nicholson)

At the end of the video, Si shouts: "Go on Barrow-in-Furness! C'mon!" Liliana said that the day 'put Barrow on the map.' 

John said: "It usually takes me a couple of days to finish an event highlight video but this took me over a week due to the time spent communicating and exchanging footage with other videographers. Even though it took longer than usual, I knew it would be worth it in the end. 

The bikers parked outside Barrow Town HallThe bikers parked outside Barrow Town Hall (Image: John Rennie)

"During the editing process, as I was combining the speeches, the music and  the imagery, there were goosebumps and even a few tears. When you get feelings like that as an editor that's when you know the work is going to be well received." 

Tens of thousands of bikers arrived in Barrow a month agoTens of thousands of bikers arrived in Barrow a month ago (Image: Scott Thomson)

John said he supported the idea of Dave Day becoming an annual event for Barrow. 

TV personality and author Dave Myers died after a long battle with cancer on February 28, aged 66. Si confirmed that there would be no more Hairy Bikers without Dave.