THOUSANDS of workers are employed in green jobs in Barrow, but the UK is lagging behind other nations for green manufacturing, new analysis reveals.

The Institute for Public Policy Research has found the country has suffered an "exceptional decline" compared to international peers, losing a third of its manufacturing strength in 30 years.

However, it said 'UK manufacturers still have a competitive edge in making some of the products vital for a net zero economy', adding there was potential to be 'world-leading' with the right government support.

The analysis found on average, 7,986 people were employed in manufacturing sectors related to the green transition across the Barrow travel to work zone between 2016 and 2022.

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Most of them – 7,974 – had jobs in industries like manufacturing parts for heat pumps, while the rest were working in producing components for wind farms.

The IPPR said jobs in the net zero economy tend to be significantly more productive, paying on average £10,000 more per year than the national average salary.

It highlighted parts of the country that are well-equipped to expand their capacity in green industries.

Out of 212 travel to work zones, Barrow was ranked second in heat pump manufacturing.

The think tank said despite the significant decline, the UK is already world-leading in making one in three products vital to the green transition.

It is also strong at making electric trains and their parts, heat pump components, and turbines for geothermal or hydro electricity generation.

Dr George Dibb, head of the IPPR’s Centre for Economic Justice, said: "The UK faces three generational challenges: to deliver net zero, to level up and reinvigorate our economy, and to become more resilient to future shocks.

"These challenges have a common solution - seizing the growth opportunities of green manufacturing."

He added: "Over the past 30 years we have slipped sharply behind our global competitors in the quantity and kinds of things we actually make.

"That's bad for jobs, for living standards, for our security – and for our long-term economic strength as a country."

The IPPR also found parts of the UK with comparative advantages for green industries. Barrow was in the top 10 places of potential to benefit from heat pumps manufacturing.

Rain Newton-Smith, CEO of the Confederation of British Industry, said: "Green truly is the economic growth opportunity of the 21st century, with our research showing it could deliver as much as £57 billion to the UK economy. That's something we can't afford to miss out on, and our manufacturing sector is fundamental to helping us secure that prize.

"The race is now on to build on our expertise in advanced manufacturing and leverage our established supply chains to make the most of the green opportunities on offer.

"That's why we need stable regulatory and financial frameworks that support our manufacturers to invest in and grow their operations, with investment incentives and policy certainty at their core."