The famed 555 bus, lauded for its scenic route from Lancaster to Keswick, offers more than just picturesque vistas according to guidebook writer Vivienne Crow.

She has listed her top 10 walking trails accessible from stops along the route which journeys through the Lake District, stopping at Kendal, Windermere, Ambleside, and Grasmere.

Among Crow's recommended journeys are routes taking walkers along the limestone cliff and grassland of Scout Scar, with a chance for winter views of snow-topped mountains, and the historic path near St Catherine's Church, offering a tranquil spot with views of the Howgills on the Yorkshire Dales' western edge.

Those seeking a more straightforward adventure can opt for a two-mile walk at Orrest Head, with views that once inspired the famous Lakeland guidebook writer Alfred Wainwright.

The guidebook writer also recommends Wansfell Pike, a high-reaching viewpoint offering panoramic vistas of Windermere, from an Ambleside start point.

The idyllic Troutbeck village, known for its 17th and 18th-century cottages and farmhouses, is a featured stop on this route.

More adventurous walkers may prefer one of Lakeland’s classic horseshoe routes, the Fairfield Horseshoe from Ambleside.

With more than 10 miles of high ridges and varying terrain, the path requires preparations for changeable weather.

For a more relaxed day, Crow suggests a 5.5 mile circuit of Grasmere and Rydal Water, where families can visit the former homes of poet William Wordsworth.

The Helm Crag walk is a steep climb, but offers spectacular views from both sides of the ridge and a peaceful path leading back to Grasmere, while walkers can take a six-mile linear walk from Dunmail Raise to Swirls car park for a chance to explore the Helvellyn range.

Raven Crag offers an impressive view of Thirlmere, with a gentler return through winding forest paths, and a 5.25 mile walk from Keswick bus station offers an opportunity to experience the beautiful Derwentwater.

As part of her guidance, Crow has advised walkers to adequately prepare for their trips.

This includes carrying a map and having appropriate clothing and equipment for sudden weather changes.

Updated information on bus times can be found on the Stagecoach website or app.