A parish council in the Lake District has passed a motion of ‘no confidence’ in the national park authority.

Lakes Parish Council said the move against the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) was due to ‘a series of ongoing grievances’ regarding its management and decision-making processes.

Richard Leafe, chief executive of the LDNPA, said: “We are disappointed the Parish Council has undertaken this process. We will consider their comments and respond directly.”

The parish council said there was eight reasons behind its decision which include ‘neglect of maintenance and increased tourism pressure’ as well as ‘lack of visibility and enforcement in planning matters’.

They state: “Despite the increase in day visitors, there is no effective plan to accommodate them, with refusals for new car parks and limited public transportation options. This oversight has led to increased congestion and a diminished visitor experience.”

The parish council also raised concerns regarding the affordability of housing in the Lake District as well as considering local occupancy conditions on new builds as ‘too broad’ which allow individuals with ‘minimal ties’ to the area to qualify.

The council said: “The rise of homeworking has made it easier for non-locals to meet the occupancy criteria superficially, further complicating local housing affordability.”

Concerns also raised by the parish council  included the allocation of seats in the development control committee.

The report says: “There is a critical flaw in how seats on the DCC (development control committee) are allocated and not transparently elected, with too few members making crucial decisions without adequate local knowledge or accountability.

“This has led to decisions that do not reflect the needs and desires of the local community.”

The parish council concluded: “The vote of no confidence reflects deep-seated frustrations within the Lakes Parish Council regarding the LDNPA’s management and decision making. The council’s concerns span a wide range of issues, from neglecting maintenance responsibilities and failing to enforce planning conditions to promoting unsustainable commercialisation and ignoring fundamental conservation principles.

“Lakes Parish Council urges the LDNPA and DCC (Development Control Committee) to adhere more strictly to existing policies and prioritise conservation efforts to protect the Lake District’s unique character and ensure the well-being of its residents.”