2024 is a huge year for elections around the world. Discounting the farcical re-election of Vladimir Putin in Russia, ruling parties have taken hard knocks in India, (the world’s largest democracy) and South Africa. Voters have also gone to the polls in the EU, in Slovakia and in one or more Scandinavian countries. President Macron has staggered France, and particularly his own party, by calling a snap election.

In autumn, the world will hold its breath as the US elects a President—what a terrifying thought that either Biden or, even more alarmingly, Trump, will once more be entrusted with breathtaking power—and, of course, there is the United Kingdom – us, you and me, voting on the day this is published if we haven’t already posted in our ballots.

Tapping out these thoughts towards the end of June, I was given pause for thought by this morning’s Gospel reading. “Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth” said Jesus “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Where are the hearts of the UK’s electorate? If the politicians are to be believed, they are rooted very firmly on earth, among earthly treasures. How many of our would-be political leaders have appealed to our generosity, our compassion, our concern for others, even to our moral sense?

Some may have done so, but they appear to be a minority. Everywhere, we read and hear promises of wealth and prosperity beyond our imagining. Are we really no better than that? Is that really where our hearts lie?

Written by Fr Anthony Keefe, Chaplain to the Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning.

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