AN UNEMPLOYED father of one grew cannabis for his own medicinal use after sustaining a serious injury, a court heard.

Nathan Dacre was caught producing four cannabis plants inside a grow tent in one of the upstairs bedrooms at his home address on Laburnum Street in Barrow on July 29 last year, South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court heard.

The 36-year-old pleaded guilty to producing and possessing the controlled Class B drug, as well as conceding he had also been in possession of a Class A cocaine when he appeared in court on July 1.

Prosecutor Peter Kelly said officers discovered the cannabis-growing enterprise when they exercised their powers to search the defendant’s property after an unrelated incident had been reported to the police.

Mr Kelly said officers also found six snap bags of the Class B drug on the defendant’s kitchen table and drug-related equipment and paraphernalia consistent with personal use.

Officers arrested the defendant on his return to the property later that day where they found a snap bag containing white powder, the court was told.

In mitigation, Trystan Roberts said his client was using cannabis for medicinal purposes having sustained a broken neck several years ago.

Mr Roberts added: “At the time of these offences he was undergoing a great deal of stress. The relationship with his former partner had reached its lowest point and they have now separated.

“He has given up his job and has been unemployed for the last 12 months. He is a very different man that sits in front of you today. He is now calm, measured, insightful and has made significant progress.

“He has self-referred to drug rehabilitation services and is no longer using drugs in order to calm down and relax.

“He shares the custody with his former partner on alternate weeks. He is a gentleman who is motivated to try and find work again.”

Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order with requirements to complete 10 rehabilitation requirement days and 60 hours of unpaid work.

Dacre was also ordered to pay £85 in court costs and a £114 surcharge.

Forfeiture and destruction of all drugs and equipment was also sought by magistrates.