A POLICE officer who intimidated his ex-partner by adding an offensive song to a Spotify playlist has been sacked by Cumbria Police.

PC Jakob Chruslicki was dismissed by the force after he sent messages to his former partner containing racial slurs about her new partner, causing her to feel 'anxious, hurt and shocked'.

A misconduct hearing was told how the police officer harassed his former partner with the messages, which were found to contain offensive slurs and slang when translated from Polish.

The tribunal at Cumbria Police HQ heard he used inappropriate language in two messages.

On July 22 last year he was said to have sent a Facebook message to his ex-partner in Polish telling her to 'remove me from insurance' and to add her new partner, using a racial slur about Asian people.

And on September 26 he used more offensive language in a Whatsapp message and told her: "I am very sorry. You are a gold digger and that’s it."

The tribunal heard the officer had disputed the meaning of the messages when translated into English.

But tribunal chair Chief Constable Rob Carden said he had not seen any evidence to suggest the translation was incorrect.

Both messages were described as 'highly inappropriate and offensive'.

Tribunal documents said: "The message sent on 26 September 2023 had an affect upon his ex-partner making her feel anxious, hurt, inconvenienced and shocked. The language was offensive and wholly inappropriate."

The tribunal heard on October 3 the officer logged into the Spotify music account of his ex-partner without her knowledge and added to her playlist the song ‘Pakistani Disco’ by a Polish rap artist.

Translated into English, it was said to have contained the same racial slur and 'inappropriate and offensive content directed towards Asian culture'.

The hearing was shown screenshots of a message thread between the officer and his friends in which he told them he added the song to the playlist.

CC Carden found PC Chruslicki guilty of gross misconduct.

Dismissing him without notice, CC Carden said: "The language used by PC Chruslicki in the two messages sent and his conduct regarding the Spotify Playlist all have the potential to damage public confidence in policing if such conduct was known to the wider public.

"The conduct which I have found proven also involves, what I view as, intimidation of an ex-partner. 

"It constitutes harassment of that individual, in that it is specifically directed towards to her, making reference to her new partner.

"The language was offensive and wholly inappropriate."